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SVG Wire Renderer for 3ds Max

polycounter lvl 7
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Kaetemi polycounter lvl 7

Have you ever tried to print out nice wireframes, but all you got was some blurry smears that barely pass as lines? Have you ever wondered how to make shiny web animations, but all you know is this fancy skill called 3D modeling? This is the tool for you!

Render any 3D scene's wireframe to a scalable vector drawing, in SVG format. Perfect for hair sharp high quality portfolio prints, or animations for the web.

Put an end to screenshotting pixelated wireframes now!

Download from Gumroad at https://polyverse.gumroad.com/l/svgwire


  • corymeyer
    Offline / Send Message
    corymeyer polycounter lvl 7

    I've purchased it and installed it, looks great.

    But when I try to activate my license key, inside of 3DS Max, I receive the error message, "The license server could not be reached. Please try again later."

    How do you advise?

    [Edit: Wait, never mind, I rebooted my workstation and it works now.]

  • Kaetemi
    Offline / Send Message
    Kaetemi polycounter lvl 7

    Yay, first sale! Thanks for the support. :)

    I'll have a look into improving the activation error message there. That's the catch-all message.

    Let me know if you have any feature requests or suggestions. Option to have a separate style for contours and backfacing edges is currently at the top of my list.

  • MrPink

    Cheers Kaetemi,

    Everything activated and works great. The clean wireframes render perfectly and even the isoline display with turbosmooth work well. Are you planning to have an option to cull hidden lines. I think the features you are working are a great start. Look forward to the updates. Great job.

  • Kaetemi
    Offline / Send Message
    Kaetemi polycounter lvl 7

    Yep, that's a planned feature as well. Along with rendering intersections.

  • corymeyer
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    corymeyer polycounter lvl 7

    The one feature suggestion that I would like to suggest is the ability to change the background color.

  • Kaetemi
    Offline / Send Message
    Kaetemi polycounter lvl 7

    Oh, yes. That could be practical to add. A checkbox to use the background color as configured in the environment settings, or separately specify the color?

  • corymeyer
    Offline / Send Message
    corymeyer polycounter lvl 7

    Separately seems good.

  • KnutH
    Great job, Guys!
    Do you plan to develop this any further? Is thre a roadmap?
    I would have paid x10 the price if it was a full-feature product.
    Hidden line & back-face culling is a must!
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