Hello I wanted to ask if anyone could help me on how I would go about creating this stylized hairstyle you see on the fortnite character in the picture. I am trying to make this same kinda hairstyle for a video game character and am having difficulty working out how to go about it.
Model the overall shape in a normal 3D modeling app, then take it into ZBrush and use slice/dam standard brushes and clip curve to cut in the little wedges along the edges.
Thank you for replying so fast, I will give this a shot, I am new to Zbrush though what is the Slice brush I know of Dam standard but not slice? Also is there some trick to using Clip curve to get nice cuts sometimes it makes bizzare results should I be cutting a Dynameshed mesh or should it be used on a mesh thats been zremeshed
Lasso select and move also will get you a very long way. In our documentation i have a guide on how i tackled a similar haircut. Will have to check if i can publish it.
@Neox is there a place where I can see this documentation for learning?
if you get hired by us, you get access ;)
otherwise i still have to check with the client if i can publish it
was btw this hairstyle
its not the same, fortnite certainly changed in the way stuff is supposed to be constructed, but some of it still can be applied.
one thing i can certainly publish would be this:
hey @Neox thanks for that, I thought my dam standard was broken for the last 3 weeks! :D