The scene is finished, here is the Artstation post: I hope you guys like it! I posted all the new screenshots below too.
Hello everyone!
After playing the game Hades and absolutely loving everything about it, I was inspired to make some fan art of this lyre model that Orpheus holds in game.

When I first saw the design I thought it looks amazing and that It would be a great opportunity for some sculpting practice while also trying to give it a more realistic feel because I feel like that's where I sit best with my style, a sort of stylized realism.

These are some renders of the high poly sculpt, It was a difficult sculpt to get right, I don't have that much practice with organic shapes and this definitely tested it. If you have any advice or feedback about the sculpt I would love to hear it.

After making the low poly of the lyre and mapping out the color masks and stuff for a preliminary texture, I thought I definitely need to make an environment to show it off in. At first I wanted to make a smaller shot for it just sitting on something but it evolved in a whole room after playing out with blockouts.
This is the main shot I'm planning to do, I'm gonna try to come up with 1 or 2 more angles just to have more images to show for the final portofolio post.
Next steps are finalizing the blockout, figuring out a final list of props that need to be made and start pumping them out.
Lighting definitely needs a good pass, this is just a first draft. I would love to hear any feedback you guys have, I'm personally not sold on this composition because I feel like it feels just a bit too crowded in the sense of the lyre not standing out enough, I hope I can fix that with a different lighting and a bit of a placement change of the props.
Thank you for reading!
Hello guys!
This is the current state of the scene, I fixed the lighting, got all the props sculpted textured and in the engine. I would love to know what you guys think!
My current to do list for it is:
Would love some feedback on the lighting and general atmosphere, it took some tries to get to a point where I like it.
Also the composition :)), I tried all the tricks I knew to try and get the viewers attention towards the lyre but if you guys think some things don't fit I would like to hear it.
Thank you!
I did the changes I said above and some other adjustments, I think this will be more or less the final version I'm gonna go with. Next I will render the lyre and some of the other props individually in Marmoset and work on the presentation final files to upload on Artstation.
If you guys have any feedback before uploading I'd like to hear it! Thank you!
Here are all the final renders that are gonna go on Artstation, I hope you guys like it!
Here is the Artstation post: