It bothers me to no end that whenever I import a simple convex primitive as a collision for mesh in ue4, it always manages to mess it up!
I even went as far as experiment to see if it'll be better if I manually check and triangulate every single face to make sure everything is convex. Doesn't matter.
Here's an example, from a collision I imported just now. A 12-sided convex cylinder with 1 loop in the middle:
Import in ue4, a-a-and its all screwed up with extra edges for no reason:
Let's try a different variant. Two simple 12-sided cylinders with a gap between them:
Let's see it in ue4. Its screwed up again, but even worse:
That happens to every simple convex collision mesh I import.
Is there a way to fix this mess? Maybe I've been doing something wrong this whole time?
It was turned off. And when its turned off, UE4 does some random garbage on the imported collision.