Check the email address it is being sent from, if it's from a gmail account it is a scam. If it's not, double check of the URL of the studio and see if it matches. The really big tell for if it's a scam or not is they will tell you to install Telegram or some other messaging app. Some other tells are very general job descriptions, posing as a recruiter who doesn't exist (check LinkedIn for their name) and some benefits that are too good to be true.
There have been a lot of them posing as different studios, pretty much they try to get info from you to steal money from your bank or credit card.
why would they pay you for an interview? that's a massive red flag. Did you speak to someone on the phone? every single game studio interview from HR to art directors etc will do zoom calls or phone interviews etc. only the basic info gathering is ever done via email and once both party's are interested it always transitions to live interaction interviews.
there are a ton of recruitment scams going on at the moment, people trying to send money to cover your "initial setup" from stolen/hacked bank accounts and then most likely they change their mind or say they sent too much and ask for you to send it back from your account. so in theory you become the one stealing the cash from people and then its washed in your account when you send it to them. stuff like that.
there are a ton of recruitment scams going on at the moment, people trying to send money to cover your "initial setup" from stolen/hacked bank accounts and then most likely they change their mind or say they sent too much and ask for you to send it back from your account. so in theory you become the one stealing the cash from people and then its washed in your account when you send it to them. stuff like that.