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Sculpting welding on big parts. What is best practice? [Blender]

polycounter lvl 6
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AlexandrL polycounter lvl 6
Hello guys :)

Let say we have 2 long metal beams and want to "connect" them and add some wilding details with sculpting. 
Pretty obvious - boolean union, dynamesh/remesh when sculpt. 
But the problem is what our actual weld sculpt will cover something like 1-5% of model surface, so we will waste tons of polygons on long surfaces.

I make some experiment with cutting out just a part or geometry, remesh it, sculpt and when shrinkwrap + normal transfer, but unfortunately it still creating shading artifacts on the gap.
Also a quick test of baking in marmoset show some problems where geometry underlying the "sculpted geometry patch" creating artifacts.

Maybe there's some tricks to make it in more optimized manner?


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