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How can I make this lighting look good? This is a benchmark blender scene.

polycounter lvl 3


  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    A directional light with lots of bounces, plus volumetric fog. You'll also notice maybe half the classroom has a window. Everything to the right and behind the camera doesn't have a window to let light through. The blinds/window pieces casting shadows helps.
  • samarth7523
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    samarth7523 polycounter lvl 3
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Consider what other light sources there might be, outside of the camera's view.

    It's more interesting for the eye if there are fill/rim lights in addition to your key light.

    Also, is the hallway totally dark? And why aren't the ceiling lights on? 

    Think about the narrative you're trying to tell with this lighting, then adjust lighting and meshes to communicate to the viewer. Is it an abandoned classroom post-apocalypse? Is it just before the start of an average school day? Etc.

    Good lighting tells a story. What's your story here?
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