edit: Problem solved
Hi, I did all my textures on painter, I bake the normal map on my low from a high with bevels.
On painter everything looks good so I'm doing my textures and exporting everything.
But on blender the result is awful

I then decide to test a triangulation and the result is much better but not perfect
then I test to remake the bake of my normal map from blender and there the result is almost perfect (as good as what I saw in painter)
Then I try to import this new map in painter to see what it gives and it's as bad as the painter map in blender (after triangulation)

you can see here the minor differences between the 2 maps:

My conclusion is that the two programs do not bake in the same way and their way of baked is well rendered by their own engine but is not necessarily good elsewhere?
Painter has the (possibly default) option to use mikktspace tangent basis which is pretty standard (unreal and unity use the same). I think Blender also supports it so with the correct export/import settings you should be able to get them to match very closely
But I didn't touch anything in the fbx export.
I tried also to import it in sketchfab to see and it's ok so thank you it solved my problem
There is another easier way to do this, use the rgb curves and reverse the green curve
if you throw enough data at the problem it'll go away but you can't do that cos videogames
Nice you solved this, I´m having the same issue. Do you mind telling how did you fixed the tangents?
Hi, In substance painter in edit>project configuration I checked an option called "compute tangent space per fragment"
I also recommend to triangulate your 3D objects before exporting (and keep the same triangulation for all the 3D engines you want to use this texture)
In blender I use the triangulate modifier, very practical.