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Celtic Dragon Studio is needing artists for 3D Platformer project

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Hi, I'm Lambdafish, Lead Designer of Celtic Dragon Studio. We are seeking the following roles for our project Azzy Battles the Darkness:
  • Animator
  • Concept Artist
  • Technical Artist

Though the advertisement has been made for the above roles specifically, speculative applications are welcome from any role. We want to find talent across the board who are as passionate about 3D platformers as we are. If you are interested, please send us an email at celticdragonstudio@gmail.com

=========== Project ===========

Azzy Battles The Darkness is a modern take on the 3D platforming genre, taking inspiration from games such as Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter, and combining them with a complex and open-ended elemental system inspired by games such as Genshin Impact. In Azzy, the environment will react dynamically to the elements and will ignite, freeze, and conduct electricity based on its elemental affinity and the elemental affinity of the 8 unique abilities that the player has at their disposal. Azzy takes place in an elementally-rich world and follows our titular protagonist on a journey that explores themes of family, environmentalism, and the role that technology plays in our lives.

Azzy is being developed in UE4 and is aiming for release on PC, Xbox and Switch.

Concept demo trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJXwyI7YPG0

Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/689370/Azzy_Battles_the_Darkness/

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