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Strange polygon shades



i have a probably simple question. Sometimes i get a strange looking polygons, mostly when i try to manipulate vertices and edges. When i clear smoothing groups i still get it but when i apply problematic polygon to any smoothing group the problem is gone. Same with Smooth>autosmooth, it helps. Third thing is when i delete this single polygon, and bridge edges again, problem goes away. Also switching defulat shading to model assist helps. Also applaying edit normals modifier totally solves problem. I maybe have the solution but i would love to hear whats the problem, is it my modeling or? I attached screenshot of how it is looking. Thank you


  • Swordslayer
    Offline / Send Message
    Swordslayer interpolator
    In older max versions, editable poly was by default displayed as it is now displayed with model assist. All the non-triangles (quads and ngons) are always triangulated (you can edit the triangulation with the Edit Tri./Turn buttons in the UI) but when they're flat, you can't see any difference in shading.
  • Kanni3d
    Offline / Send Message
    Kanni3d ngon master
    Just means your polygon is non-planar on any of the axis. With no smoothing groups, the triangulation behind the scenes will show that sort of shading. If you triangulate it the other way, it'll flip the shading (or turn edges as swordslayer mentioned).

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