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Is my portfolio showing potential to get a 3D artist job?


  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah for sure. I think your abandoned gas station could use some texturing work, but your portfolio overall is nice.
  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    with my employer hat on... 

    why is everything at least 3 years old? 

    apart from that - your work is not bad but it completely lacks context.  eg. I would want to see your gas station expanded to include the shop (or whatever surrounds it) 
    Probably wouldn't go to interview with what's there.  I can't see if you're a good artist, even though I can see that you can model

  • Zi0
    Offline / Send Message
    Zi0 polycounter
    The star wars blaster and the engine blade could use a texture/presentation update. Like stated above the gas station could be expended into a environment with a bigger scope to be more impressive. I would also ditch the 2D stuff if you want a job as a 3D artist.
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