Hey I have a problem with baking my normal maps, I have a problem at the UV seams. I exported from Blender with smoothing from UV's and baked it in Marmoset. The normal problem is also visible in Marmoset.
It's a very small error. If I look at the model in the final size, I'm not able to notice the problem. Though I would like to know what's the problem to learn and solve my mistakes.
Does anyone know what causes the problem?
Here is the problem:

Here you can see that in the normal view distance the error isn't visible:

And here in Blender the Vertex Normal are splitted from the UV's, also the padding should be enough.

To prevent artefacts due to texture filtering/mip mapping, the baker extends a bit the border pixels of uv shells (known as texture padding).
What you see there is the next pixel line with a slightly off direction, bleeding because of texture filtering.
But even with a more accurate padding method, due to texture resolution/compression, this would never be 100% perfect if you zoom on it like crazy.
Good to know that's a technical limitation.