Hey hey Polycount,
I'm working on a new realtime character, or let's say a creature!
I've got inspired by a really sweet fanart concept of a Hellknight from Doom 3, so I grabbed my polys and started working.
Goal for the project:
1) Realtime badass creature
2) Fun
3) Profit!

The highpoly is almost done, I just have to fix a few small parts where I can see improvements.
Soo here are the latest highpoly shots, enjoy!

And because I love clay renders ... I made a special shot just for my inner sculpture child

Yeah he has a lot of hellfire in his veins ...
the only thing i would say is, it looks like the teeth are one solid mesh, right? try to make them separate meshes that actually stick into the gum. that will give you the possibility to rotate them, move them etc a bit, which would make close ups really great. also you would see gaps between the teeth etc.
other than that, good job so far!
But no the teeth are actually seperated, I guess it looks solid because of the even look.
I will work on it
Thank you, glad you like it!
Its not easy to convince fans
In the meantime a friend of mine is working on an environment for the presentation shots, I'm super excited.
Def hope it's in the same vein as Doom 3 - a broken up, dark bathroom or something would be super cool.
Thank you very much for the overpaint, I will take a look!
Hey hey,
I'm making progress on the creature. Currently I'm sitting on the texturing. I prepped a devlook scene in the Unreal project and testint the current paint job under different light conditions.
Here is a new wip image :)
I finished the Hellknight a few weeks ago and started working together with a friend of mine who is rigger and animator.
Here are a few images with an idle pose Idea (rendered in UE5)
I made a material with animated veins ... I prepped a few gifs you can find it here:
Additionally I made another creature for my Hellknight / Doom 3 scene. I love the shapes of the Trite.
Small update:
I started working on a presentation scene. I guess I need more fire 😬
Nice work, looks very occult D:
I would note that the upper arms seem to deform not quite right, would expect biceps to point more outwards in the last poses.
Keep it up!
Thank you for another pair of eyes. The rig and pose was made by another artist, he is currently working on the refinement of the rig :)
Very Nice, Amazing Work
Thank you glad you like it!
OK, the Hellknight is done. I polished the environment and made a few beauty shots :)
Here is also the Link to more images and a turntable video
I rendered my trite. Making these weird shapes was a huge fun :D
complete project is here: