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How to map a texture on landscape to 0-1 space?

grand marshal polycounter
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Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
Hi, I'm trying to map a texture to a landscape in the 0-1 UV space. I am trying to do so with the landscape coordinates node. 

putting the landscapes size into the mapping scale seems to get the correct scale... but the texture is off center. I've been putting different numbers into the Mapping Pan U/V but I cannot find any pattern to suggest what it is doing. It's hard to troubleshoot because I cannot parameterize these values which means I have recompile the shader which takes a long time each iteration.

I've put every single value imaginable into the Pan U and Pan V. Results just look random so I can't make sense of it. Maybe I am doing this totally wrong then.
If anybody knows something about this I'd appreciate your advice, thanks.

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