Hello Polycount!
Making a new forum for my new project, fan art of one of my favorite levels within the game Hades. I've been working on building a block out, and getting the right the right proportions and camera angles. Happy enough with it to start sharing my progress here!

Here is the screenshot ive been working from

And a document I made in pure ref trying to analyze the art style before I picked which area I wanted to try to recreate. I really love to play the game so it was a lot of fun to try to gather all the concept art I could and understand the style as best as I could.

The block out isn't done so any comments and critiques are welcome~
For a perspektive like the one you have, where you very far away from the action and there is a lot of things that we can see, its very important that you do a lot with Silhouette. right now the bandage around the grip for example could be 2 or 3 times as think, so you can really see the Silhouette from the distance!
Also i think the metal piece on top of the blade should be completely round from the looks of your screenshot
Material graph
Took a small break from working on this project for Christmas, but since then I have been working on this statue, which there are four of in the environment! One on each corner of the stairs. This took me quite a while to make the low poly, because the shapes are very organic, I had to retopo a lot of the elements of this by hand using the quad draw tool in Maya, but now its finally ready to unwrap 😅 Top is the highpoly I made in Zbrush, bottom is the low poly I made in Maya!
Low poly baked!
Very cute statues! Though the trumpet/whatever shape on your model looks quite different from the reference to me. The reference looks like a pretty smooth sudden flare, while yours kind of feels like two distinct pieces, with very little transition between.
Think, like, Saxophone, while yours is more like a ladle. Neither comparison is quite right, ha, but I think it shows what I mean? Yours has a clear handle and a clear "horn" piece, while the reference feels like a more cohesive whole, that flows and flares from one to the other relatively smoothly.
Glad you've been sticking with this project, it's been fun to watch so far! Wish I could offer more feedback, but, it's looking good, and you're making good progress. Love the pillars especially, those look great.
@Joopson Thank you so much for the feedback! I agree that my "trumpet" doesn't really match the reference, to be honest I had a really hard time trying to figure out the shape in 3D. I'm going top try and spend more time making it look smoother, I think especially the bottom having a smoother transition will really help.
Also thank you! I'm really glad that you think this looks good, this has been really fun for me!
There are some funky issues going on with your bake, just fyi.
@Ashervisalis yeah I know the bake isn't perfect, ill go back and fix some issues later but since the player will never get very close to this ( the isometric camera stays far away) I'm not hugely worried about it
Been working on finishing up these stairs!
My goal for this project is to completely finish it by the end of next month 🤞
Half towers are done minus the moss
Vase done
Vase, flag, and torch are in the scene! Just need to finish the training dummies' and the crystal things inside the cups, and we should be good to start with foliage. I also revisited the textures for the door face, I felt like they were severely lacking so I painted in some highlights and shadows
Keep it up! I might suggest some roughness variation / colour variation on that flag.
Finished modelling all of the major assets! Next up is creating the brick/stones in the ground, making foliage, and figuring out a way to make fluffy moss in ue5
I think you could widen the stairs, scale up the statues, narrow the ground in the top left, scale up the stones lining the river, scale up the pillars in the top of the screen. I take it you havent started on tileables? The crescent in the top right also looks like its missing the frame.
@Ashervisalis Thanks ill make those changes! Also I'm not sure what crescent you're thinking of, and I haven't started on tileables just yet!
The golden thing in the top right is what I mean when I say crescent. No idea what that is haha. Oh, when I said scale up the statues, I meant the green ones in the middle by the lit ground.
@Ashervisalis oooh that, i dont know what that is either tbh, i was trying to figure that out myself haha and thanks :)
Made the suggested changes ( haven't gotten to the metal crescent thingy yet), changed the size of the metal door, and added in block outs for the stone/brick patterns on the ground
it's looking nice ^^
@Irensay Thanks! Im having a lot of fun adding in the small bits of life