Hello can you suggest good certificate online courses that don't cost abnormously like gnomon but offer similar quality training certificates and opportunities? 3d modeling/texturing gamecdedesign etc?
imo if there's a plan toward a career in the entertainment industry, be it games, film or TV etc. Then no need handing over monies for a certificated course, you've already attained a sound knowledge / skill base so put that all into diligent application.
Strip out everything in your current AS portfolio excluding the conan sword by generating additional content (2 maybe 3 pieces max) which is aligned or even exceeds it's fidelity...simple!
I only saw the one 3d model but I agree with @sacboi, it looks fine and is presented well. Probably just a few more pieces like that and you could be competitive for jobs. Maybe you'd want some stuff that is more complex but that is just applying your skills to bigger scale is all.
I've never seen any tutorials that really teach "quality", it's usually just workflow and software stuff.
CGMA looks like it teaches actual art stuff and taylor is smart so there's that.
What I am struggling somehow is that I am finding my workflow slow , and I am pretty sure there must be ways to do things I do in faster ways that I am not knowing, I mostly do what I want do do manually when there could be may be more automatic or procedural wasys that coudl make my flow faster... That said i know I have other holes in my knowledge and I have a superficial knowhow of many softwares as long as I do what I need , but didn't go in depth in many of them because I didn't use more, like for example Zbrush , I used for sculpting and decimating , but didn't take the next step using it for modeling, texturing or else. I know how to make basic animations in motion builder but not more, I know how to model in 3dsmax but not how to render realistically and so on... plus I always feel "uncertified" to consider myself a pro , when can you consider urself a pro?
as for the model you refer to Conan sword? I did actually other two swords but never rendered , the model I liked doing the most was my spaceship though ...
All you can do is solve one problem at a time. If you are doing some work and you wonder if it could not go faster, just post a question. Somebody here will know, if it hasn't been answered already.
Pretty much every time I am doing some work and I think, "this would be a lot better if I had a tool that did ____," then I do a search and voila, somebody already solved the problem for me.
I mean to improve skills , I am kinda stuk where I reached with selftutoring.
I've never seen any tutorials that really teach "quality", it's usually just workflow and software stuff.
CGMA looks like it teaches actual art stuff and taylor is smart so there's that.
Pretty much every time I am doing some work and I think, "this would be a lot better if I had a tool that did ____," then I do a search and voila, somebody already solved the problem for me.