Hello guys, my name is Hwa-Min, and I am trying to be a char artist. I was always kinda hesitant joining large communities but I decided there's nothing really to worry about, so I made an account

I wanted to show my newest project very early on, to get more eyes on it and receive feedback as early as possible. I think it will be nice to look at the progression once I'm done.

Here's what I have so far, the main goal will be to have a game ready character, with the artstyle being "stylized realism". I think references that would be close will be something like the new Diablo game, or maybe the Total War Warhammer series.
These are some of the sketches I did to get an idea for the character.

I would genuinely appreciate any critique I can get, especially down the like when things start getting more technical in Zbrush. I'm mostly self taught, so I'm sure there are a lot of features/techniques I don't know about that would really help me get my 3d sculpts to the next level.
Just a small update. I have adjusted the proportions a bit (delts properly connected, bigger lats, slightly bigger head and pecs), I think for the better! So thank you again carvuliero! Started adding a little bit more detail too on the body.
Also thought in more detail about how the secondary detail will look.
i love that you do some paintovers before you start sculpting
as for the proportions, i like how they are right now, i think if you push them more in the direction @carvuliero
is suggesting, it looks to much of a "normal" human anatomy. i think it looks better the way it is now
new update. Need to hurry up and do the feet
I did play around with the proportions (in 2d), but honestly I am really liking what I had from the start
Almost done, just need to get lighting to something I like more.
Texturing is mostly procedural in Substance, so if you take your time you can get good results.