I just started a sci-fi pulse rifle project aimed at improving my skills with hard surface realistic game-ready assets. I recently did a project based on a single concept art to demonstrate my capacity to reproduce a specific well define asset. This one will be a composition. I want to come up with my own design. I feel it will be harder but more rewarding!

My first draft:
I will post my progress on this thread. Any feedback, questions or comment is welcome!
I'm not sure what elements of the kitbash will make it to the final version but for now, it will help to set the look. Kitbash is from amazing kitbash creator Oleg Ushenok (https://www.artstation.com/olegushenok).
Especially work of artists:
Yaniv Dekel (https://www.artstation.com/yanivdekel)
Berker Siino (https://www.artstation.com/siino)
Any comment, question, or feedback is welcome!
About the buttstock, in your sense, what would help make it more ergonomic?