It's my first time sculpting a face and I know It's far from done, but I could use some input on what I should improve and why, The rest of the character is also a WIP, so if you have anything to say about it, I'm all ears. (Software: blender 2.93)
Use Asoro heads as a reference, i can already see that the distance between eyebrow, nose and chin are not "equal" distance. Take my stuff with a grain of salt, cause i am by no means a character artist. Look at Andrew Loomis sketches and asoro heads to figure out where your face planes are and work them out firstly in a very rough pass in Zbrush or blender. Afterwards, if you need more dense mesh, you could subdivide it to get more density to work with. Your sculpt also have some bumpiness around chin area and head because of this . keep going!
Use Asoro heads as a reference, i can already see that the distance between eyebrow, nose and chin are not "equal" distance. Take my stuff with a grain of salt, cause i am by no means a character artist. Look at Andrew Loomis sketches and asoro heads to figure out where your face planes are and work them out firstly in a very rough pass in Zbrush or blender. Afterwards, if you need more dense mesh, you could subdivide it to get more density to work with. Your sculpt also have some bumpiness around chin area and head because of this . keep going!
hey for the folds, did you already try the cloth simulation options you have in zbrush? might be a good try to get more realistic looking folds
Use Asoro heads as a reference, i can already see that the distance between eyebrow, nose and chin are not "equal" distance. Take my stuff with a grain of salt, cause i am by no means a character artist. Look at Andrew Loomis sketches and asoro heads to figure out where your face planes are and work them out firstly in a very rough pass in Zbrush or blender. Afterwards, if you need more dense mesh, you could subdivide it to get more density to work with. Your sculpt also have some bumpiness around chin area and head because of this . keep going!
I appreciate it! I'll see if I can workout some of the proportions.
Here's a little drawover I did for mainly the cloth. I think you can keep it simple, and try to focus on the big shapes of the wrinkles and folds. If you think about gravity, the wrinkles will probably come down from the shoulders, as thats where the cloth is resting when it is on your body. The best way though would be to look at reference, and study what is happening. Other minor changes I made on the drawover was the breasts; I felt like they could look more natural if they "sagged" more, and I tweaked the middle part of the corset to look more comfortable. For the face, it will definitely be tough doing it for the first time. I did a stylized character too fairly recently, and the problem I faced was getting a good balance of realism and following anatomy, but also pushing the stylization that I wanted. I think many of the points that were made already by the others are very good, and the only thing I would add is don't be too timid with the details. For example the eyes are very big, which is fine, but the eyelids are very thin in comparison, and the planes of the face surrounding the eyes are also kinda too smooth and not giving a good volumetric feel to the face. Hope that helps
Here's a little drawover I did for mainly the cloth. I think you can keep it simple, and try to focus on the big shapes of the wrinkles and folds. If you think about gravity, the wrinkles will probably come down from the shoulders, as thats where the cloth is resting when it is on your body. The best way though would be to look at reference, and study what is happening. Other minor changes I made on the drawover was the breasts; I felt like they could look more natural if they "sagged" more, and I tweaked the middle part of the corset to look more comfortable. For the face, it will definitely be tough doing it for the first time. I did a stylized character too fairly recently, and the problem I faced was getting a good balance of realism and following anatomy, but also pushing the stylization that I wanted. I think many of the points that were made already by the others are very good, and the only thing I would add is don't be too timid with the details. For example the eyes are very big, which is fine, but the eyelids are very thin in comparison, and the planes of the face surrounding the eyes are also kinda too smooth and not giving a good volumetric feel to the face. Hope that helps
Oh wow! That looks infinitely better. That's actually how I wanted to corset to be, but I built it around the body and forgot to look at more references lol I definitely see what you mean with the shirt as well, Now that I look at them side by side, mine definitely doesn't act like clothing. It'll probably take me some time to make these changes, especially the face, but it will be worth it for sure!
Making good progress, I'll probably still tweak some things around the body. I'm not happy with how the head turned out though, I think I may have gone too stylized for the body, It's too small and the neck looks too tall. I'm also having trouble getting the shapes to work how I want, so I'll probably take a month to practice sculpting heads and come back to this character when I have a better idea on what I'm doing.
Hey good work !!! Yeah I feel the same as you. I think the neck is a little bit too small. If you want to break the stylized side of your face, it might be a good idea to use asaro's face and exagerate the edge (on cheek bone for example). It would be stylised at the end, but with an accent on the skull anatomy underneath the skin (hope you understand the idea )
Need more reference on the folding and creases of the clothes. Maybe take those on yourself. wear baggy pants, tape around your knees and take pictures, see how the folds fall.
Need more reference on the folding and creases of the clothes. Maybe take those on yourself. wear baggy pants, tape around your knees and take pictures, see how the folds fall.
Yeah, that's the main thing I'll be tweaking. I used a few references, but I just wanted to get the general idea first before I worked it out completely.
Alright, back again with another update. Thanks to all the feedback here and elsewhere and watching a bunch of sculpting vids, it actually looks more like a human now. It's still not done yet, but It's much closer.
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone here for providing me with god-tier feedback. I still don't consider this character done and I plan on remaking it anyways, since I didn't originally create it with animation in mind.
So once I go through some courses and create a few more characters I'll most likely recreate this one and do it right from the start.
Again, I sincerely appreciate the feedback from you guys. It means the world to me. I only hope that one day I can help others in the same way.
Alright, got it updated with that new image!
(This is my fave image collection of that head)
for the folds, did you already try the cloth simulation options you have in zbrush? might be a good try to get more realistic looking folds
I appreciate it! I'll see if I can workout some of the proportions.
Ahhh, I guess I probably should've mentioned that I'm using Blender.
For the face, it will definitely be tough doing it for the first time. I did a stylized character too fairly recently, and the problem I faced was getting a good balance of realism and following anatomy, but also pushing the stylization that I wanted. I think many of the points that were made already by the others are very good, and the only thing I would add is don't be too timid with the details. For example the eyes are very big, which is fine, but the eyelids are very thin in comparison, and the planes of the face surrounding the eyes are also kinda too smooth and not giving a good volumetric feel to the face.
Hope that helps
Oh wow! That looks infinitely better. That's actually how I wanted to corset to be, but I built it around the body and forgot to look at more references lol
I definitely see what you mean with the shirt as well, Now that I look at them side by side, mine definitely doesn't act like clothing. It'll probably take me some time to make these changes, especially the face, but it will be worth it for sure!
I'm not happy with how the head turned out though, I think I may have gone too stylized for the body, It's too small and the neck looks too tall. I'm also having trouble getting the shapes to work how I want, so I'll probably take a month to practice sculpting heads and come back to this character when I have a better idea on what I'm doing.
Yeah, that's the main thing I'll be tweaking. I used a few references, but I just wanted to get the general idea first before I worked it out completely.
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone here for providing me with god-tier feedback. I still don't consider this character done and I plan on remaking it anyways, since I didn't originally create it with animation in mind.
So once I go through some courses and create a few more characters I'll most likely recreate this one and do it right from the start.
Again, I sincerely appreciate the feedback from you guys. It means the world to me. I only hope that one day I can help others in the same way.