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3d Environment Artists Portfolio advice

Can anyone give me some feedback on my 3d portfolion
I'm on my first year working for videogame stodios and I wan't to be a better 3d artist.
I have some projects on my art station page 
This first shot was used as concept art to make the rest of the base


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Staienlus said:

    The link is not working because of those parenthesis.

    I'll leave the big thorough reviews for actual enviro artist but a few notes: 

    what sort of job are you seeking? Film, games?

    I didn't see any breakdown shots. If you are trying to do realtime graphics work I think that is important to show you can make good looking environments from an efficient pool of modular and unique assets.

    Might be a good idea to show the original reference images you used as well. If you are working from a concept (and you probably should if you aren't), it will help a lot to show that. It is much easier for people to give a critique if they can explain differences between the concept and your 3d rendition.

    Overall I think your work is competent but probably not at AAA level yet. But I bet with some guidance and little more time you could get your next scene to that level. I am enjoying the new Aliens: Fireteam Elite game. I guess it's not technically AAA but it's Aliens IP so they must have some money. Anyway, take a look at the environments there which are similar to your screenshot image. Do you think it is on par with that? 

    Even if the community doesn't give you the critique you wish to get, dont underestimate value of using the space for rubber-duck as well. That can help a lot to self-critique your self but do it out loud like you are talking to another person.

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