Hello, I am trying to render my hair texture in Arnold and having this weird problem where the normal map from aiUtility shader renders a green normal map. I am following this method
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ZLGNG , and the render looks like below.

So I tried putting in another mesh (torus in the middle) to see how the normal map renders it and it seems like the same problem is happening.

So I just went to xNormal and tried to bake a map onto a plane, but it looks weird too, but in a different way.

This texture map is my second try actually because my first xGen file erased my guide for some reason, and the normal map from aiUtility shader looked fine with the exact same settings. It really drives me nuts because I can't even guess where the problem is coming from.. anyone experienced this kind of issue? Thanks!
1: baking normals for each hair strand always looks shit
I forget the name of the aiutility passes but there's a couple that will bake per hair direction. For most human ish type hair you want those plus a macro normal to describe clumping rather than a normal per strand (because it looks shit)
Bake directly in Arnold and you're talking about seconds. Bake from geometry and you're looking at lots of minutes
The method I posted above worked fine for me a couple of years ago and behaved fine with Arnold RTT, can't imagine it's changed
That being said, I am interested in what tool you normally use for the hair textures? I am actually looking for another method since I can't bake other maps like depth and ID from Arnold and xgen yet.
I'm fairly sure both those maps can be baked from Arnold although like I say it's been a long time since I built the tools we use for hair baking.
The only speed issue I can see is geometry import/export to a GPU baking solution like Marmoset. Getting the normal map will probably take a few seconds at most as are almost all other passes. AO is another topic.