Yeah Skyrim modding woes. I know, I know. Bear with me.
I've got quite the conundrum. I want to create new sculpts, as well as modify the skinning for a specific source mesh. Unfortunately, due to parlour modding and all that, there's no access to the source quad meshes. Only the final, game-ready mesh which is in a proprietary format. Now, getting it converted to FBX and back? That's easy, no problem. But past that, there be dragons.
Sculpting triangles is abhorrent in my experience. So I've been having a shot at 3DS Max's retopology modifier. But I've not quite any idea what I'm doing. Especially with how I'm meant to modify the settings, so that tri-dense areas become quad-dense, and tri-sparse areas become tri-sparse. The only real way I've found to maintain the body shape of the original mesh, was to jack up the polys from 15,000 to 300,000. Which isn't right.
And then there's the issue of the UV maps. There are an uncountable number of mods that rely upon a select few body UV maps. I can only think of two off the top of my head, and they're used for damn near every appearance mod ever. Not only that, the software I found to generate the most perfect morphs for the source mesh, without modifying anything other than vertex positions, requires the UV map to be identical.
3DS Max isn't a hard requirement, it's just what I've got to work with at the moment. So recommended tools/plugins/scripts/whatever, are welcome.
It's a very odd use case, and I've found no information on doing this after searching a bunch. Needless to say, I'm in dire need of insight. Any at all is appreciated.
If it helps, here are a few images showing what I am working with.
Source mesh showing problematic topology for the modifier: