Here is my completed Asylum scene. I had to call it complete and move on to another project, but I'd sincerely love to hear your comments and crits on it, because I'm really trying to be the best artist I can be, and any input is invaluable to me. This project was mainly intended to be a prop showcase.

Here is a short animation of the scene.
I also see the bits of debris on the floor but otherwise, the floor plane looks very much like a plane, maybe you could model a couple simple floor tiles and lift them up a bit or just find ways to get some more interesting shadows on the floor. I made a simple draw over to help explain the lighting things I'd enhance, the first one is the original as the edits are fairly subtle. Hope this helps
I understand about the floor but for me it's fine, it could benefit from some dents for contrast but overall, dust reduces contrast, so it's ok
Good job overall