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Unwrapping Properly_Help

polycounter lvl 3
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Giannhs_Kappa polycounter lvl 3
   Hello guys
 My question is about unwrapping properly with texturing with patterns in mind.

 My current project where I understood the problem of the seams cuts when i use a pattern in the texture is a character's leg,I cutted the island on the inside of the leg so it's as less visible as possible,but still i couldn't rotate the patterns path so it can be be placed perfectly all along the leg,it has to do with leg thickness changing from calf to thighs but surely this is never going to change in the human form so i decided to look for advice about how I could unwrap it better or edit the island so i don't face this problem in the future.

 I fixed it now by placing a stitch in this area so it excuses it a bit as this character is for an animation project for my semester and I won't be criticized about my character just by the movement of her.I don't have the time to redo the bakes or the unwrap but I will note the fix for future characters.

 Also because of the leg wearing something like a pantyhose I wanted to ask how I could make the pattern deform and stretching as the thickness of the leg is changing and get thicker as it would in real life.

 Forgot to mention,I'm using Substance painter for texturing and the pattern is a smart material and 3ds max for retopologind and unwrapping.


  • fmorera
    Offline / Send Message
    fmorera polycounter lvl 3
    Hi there,
    That's looking good. If you want to avoid the seam you should unwrap the leg as if it was a cylinder with no caps, so your uv is shaped as a plane. That will give you some stretching as if the material is some kind of elastic.
    You can continue with the uv as you have them now but I'd align the texture to the front side, now it's twisted and it looks strange at the feet.
    Also, are the normals flipped on the leg? The bumpiness of the texture looks reversed
  • Giannhs_Kappa
    Offline / Send Message
    Giannhs_Kappa polycounter lvl 3
    fmorera said:
    Hi there,
    That's looking good. If you want to avoid the seam you should unwrap the leg as if it was a cylinder with no caps, so your uv is shaped as a plane. That will give you some stretching as if the material is some kind of elastic.
    You can continue with the uv as you have them now but I'd align the texture to the front side, now it's twisted and it looks strange at the feet.
    Also, are the normals flipped on the leg? The bumpiness of the texture looks reversed
     I needed the texture to not overlap because I baked a high poly sculpt details on it,the material i got it form substance share and used it as i got it with the default normal without editing it but now that you mentioned it I will look at it a bit more.

     Could I had moved the UVs vertices with a checker in the UV Map while still on max to try and aligning them with the pattern?
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