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Snapping geometry/components to curves in Maya

polycounter lvl 12
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KeCzajkowski polycounter lvl 12

So snapping to curve with middle mouse allows you to slide objects and components alone the edge of a poly surface but it doesn't let you align things that way.  What I mean is I can get one object to align to another's edge generally but it's inaccurate.  Maybe some pictures can help explain.


So I have two objects and I want to align the smaller one to the larger one's surface.

I can just do it by eye but that takes a while.  As I said above I can slide the geometry along the top edge with middle mouse and C and get something like the following (exaggerated to show what I mean).

I was wondering if there was a way I could get the vertex to snap to the edge directly above it to keep the orientation the same?


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