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Photogrammetry pictures with sun

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hello, I am in a holiday eversunny place , wanted to take some photogrammerry pics but I find impossible to avoud shadows from the sun ... do u have any tips?


  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
    Better to do it without shadows  at a cloudy day but not totally overcast .   With ovvercast you will constantly  have non enough light  for f11 issue,    So it's a best when  it's still sunny  but the sun is behind a cloud .

        Still there are options now . Agisoft delighter    , a free soft     for example.     Don't expect it to be always perfect although.     And for many cased you could make color  from height and noise .    Accurate height  texture is  a most important one
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Since I am in a never cloudy or overcast place , whats the best time of the day? I thought midday for grounds and shadow side for walls but for 3d item to turn around them not sure , then how to remove shadows?
  • gnoop
  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool

    be aware it doesn't work on  anything more than 25 mil   poly pr more than  20   4086 udim textures . Well. untill you have 128 gb  or RAM
    So if you do something really big you need to do it in parts.

    And the  shadows will still leave few ghosts probably.

    There is also an old style method I haven't used for a while already.      You  put a good compass  next to your subject    Then use a daylight system  ( in 3d max for example)   to set the sun in exact same time  and geographical coordinates ( it's where you need that north angle  from the compass)
     I did it in Octane render  daylight system  even without compass .

    Once you set your 3d sun in same azimuth and angle    as in your photos you do shadow  and AO pass/ bake.    Then just invert shadow pass and add it to your texture to kill shadows.

    It usually never match perfectly but with a bit of help of Photoshop AI ghost removing and content aware   it could be  ok.

    there is also   https://lightbrush.org/     but  not sure it still works

  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
    here is a useful site too where you can find sun azimuth and angle based on your photo gps   and  north direction from a compass .

    In case you don't have daylight system in your 3d soft

    But I would suggest to try agisoft first.   it's not same good  sometimes  still  easy and simple
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