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Assembling modular house in third party software or game engine?

polycounter lvl 7
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salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
Hello guys,

I finished my modular house pack (with interior) for a game I'm working on, I was wondering is it better if I combine the meshes in maya (or any equivalent) and than import them to the game engine (to reduce call draw and better optimization overall)

or simply I should import all my modular assets to the game engine (ue4) and assemble them there? even the snap tool isn't that efficient comparing to a modelling software


  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter
    I think it mostly depends on what you prefer and the philosophy of the project you're working on.
    E.g a LD is working on the level using these buildings, they have to change the building a little then it's easier to have it be modular.

    Generally, if you assemble it out of individual modules in an engine, this geometry should be batched, so it shouldn't have a lot of impact on the performance versus assembling it all in a 3d app.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    yes, just to reiterate, there is methods to batch models in the game engine so that it not a concern. 

    It depends on the teams pipeline, and if there is no team, then it only depends on your workflow preference.
  • salimmatta
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    salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks guys for the reply, actually it is true. It depends normally on  the project, since we are developing a top down survival game, I though of combining the modular pieces in Maya and import them to unreal, but I was thinking that this method might create collision problems, while importing them individually to unreal engine is simply better when it comes to adding simple collision per individual.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Dynamic instancing is pretty effective in unreal, then use hlods for distant stuff. 

    There's a load of information about how they did Fortnite floating around - that would be an appropriate place to start

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