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Japanese Room- Feedback

polycounter lvl 5
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zHost polycounter lvl 5
Hi, so this is my latest project and I am looking to get a bit of feedback on this scene, as I'm not 100% happy with it. Is there something I could add to the scene or anything that jumps out to you that could be improved? 


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Looks cool! So I feel the walls are decreasing the quality of the image. If you used a "paper wall" where you could light the outside of the wall and have light bleed in, that would help sell the scene;

    Everything on the dresser, ie the sword and incense, look pretty realistic. Whats taking away from the realism are the wall beams/skirt, they look really simple and unappealing. Maybe give them some sort of modeled design, and have the skirt and beams the same colour so they blend into the image background more. Right now it also looks like your only light source is above and to the left of the sword, like the only light is in the very corner of the ceiling, which looks odd. In the first image, the wall is better lit than the sword, making the sword feel not as important. Your floor is looking flat, maybe if you had some debris on it? You could also raise the dresser up an inch, maybe have it sitting on some sticks, to give it some shadow/AO under the dresser. Lastly, maybe some dust in the air might help sell it?

    Buuuuut good job overall, like it!
  • zHost
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    zHost polycounter lvl 5
    Ahh Thanks a bunch!

  • zHost
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    zHost polycounter lvl 5
    Finally got round to doing some updates to it, think the feedback definitely helped. 

    Any other feedback would be great as usual, thanks.

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