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I need advice in zbrush

polycounter lvl 2
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MRALO polycounter lvl 2
Hello everybody I hope you are doing well.
I try Learning Zbrush I try to follow tutorial
And left should look similar to right  :):)

and this video when I work 

What is your suggestion and what am doing wrong because tried everything and always end up with the same result?


  • fmorera
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    fmorera polycounter lvl 3
    Hi @MRALO, first of all I'd suggest you to avoid working with pure front view, try to work with some perspective, that will help you to get the correct volumes.
    Then I'd recommend you to use bigger size with the move brush to obtain smoother surfaces.
    But what I think it's more important, you have to pay attention to the reference. It looks like you are sculpting from memory instead of trying to copy the reference. First, work the overall shape, proportions and silhouette. Then go for the critical spots like the eye holes position, cheeks or chin.
    Your reference has no nose or lips but you're sculpting them, pay attention.
    I hope this helps you and I'll be glad to see your evolution.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I guess the big thing is to be more careful what you looking at , to learn how to see things as simple geometric shape/forms and of course to to able to guesstimate proportions .You could also use center line to place secondary forms like eye orbit

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