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how to batch resize textures?

grand marshal polycounter
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Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
Hey guys, anybody got a trick to process a lot of texture files, specifically to resize?

I have a number of softwares at my disposal, the final target is going into unreal. 

It seems like making an action in photoshop might be the smartest way, but I wonder if there isn't something faster/easier, like maybe a plug and play script that exist for unreal or maybe could even run a command from windows explorer or something since the default image viewer does have a resize command.

And just in case anybody cna offer general pipeline guidnace, what I am doing is first packing a lot of quixel megascan textures, but the smallest size they come in is 2k so i want to then reduce to 1k, just to keep my project size down.


  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I generally do this sort of thing using opencv and python (not many libraries support high bit depths). Simple stuff like resizing/packing is very straightforward.

    If I need to process the images aggressively I'll use substance automation toolkit.

    If an artist asks me what to do I tell them to use Photoshop automation 

  • janoshx
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    janoshx polycounter lvl 6
    I use this constantly when shrinking oversized video clips to something meaningful.... 

    It can be used for many different media files. Just make your own presets that suits your needs

  • another caveman
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    another caveman greentooth
    You can import at whichever resolution in UE4 and then select them all, right click, asset actions> bulk edit via property matrix, then search for maximum texture resolution and you can change them all. :) 

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    You can import at whichever resolution in UE4 and then select them all, right click, asset actions> bulk edit via property matrix, then search for maximum texture resolution and you can change them all. :) 

    i was looking in there and couldnt find anything dealing with resize. maybe my eyes were too tired at the time. 

    That is not changing the size of the actual uasset though, right? not until the project is built?
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    it just impacts the maximum size at runtime.  also doesn't apply any nice filtering so the results aren't as nice as they would be using PS or whatever
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    oh that's something i ought to test. i just used the windows resize but if i go and do that in photoshop maybe it will make a visual difference. I'll make a note and test this out once i have to do it all for real. 

    i did also see that megascans does actually provide 1k maps, they are just in a folder called "thumbnails" for some reason. 

  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    if your concerned about project size/local space, resizing the assets/textures inside the engine won't change your project size at all, only build/runtime filesizes as poopipe mentioned.

  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Kanni3d said:
    if your concerned about project size/local space, resizing the assets/textures inside the engine won't change your project size at all, only build/runtime filesizes as poopipe mentioned.


    yeah i dont see a need for the larger file sizes ever and i like projects that open quick so being able to change the source is what i am after. For now the windows power tool thing is working fine, but i will test later and make sure its not making a noticeable inferior job compared to if i take time to use photoshop once i get into full production.

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