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Kinematic bone linking question

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hello , first of all I must say I am a total noob on bone setup , I can rig a bit but I wanted to try to rig a simple foldable chair, and this is the setup I did, but when I add inverse kinematic HD from the smaller bone to the root bone when I move it it all trembles and twists the position of the skinned arms of the chair , which is undesiderable, can you point me out my mistake or may be a way to solve this issue?

thanks a lot.


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    It's very difficult to explain all the pitfalls associated with it to a beginner in the form of text. You need to spend some time watching decent tutorials in your app of choice. 

    I can't recommend any because I started learning to rig last century and we didn't have youtube then
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Mmm Can someone please help me understand what is the best bone setup to make that chair fold nicely back and forward?  possibly preserving the attachment to the ground? I am since 2 days trying to solve this but I yet can't understand how to setup ...

    I solved btw the issue of trembling but not how to setup the bones!
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