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UV/Unwrapping doubt

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Hello everyone! I'm working on this big fella and I am stuck with the UVs. As you can see, my character has a big nose and lips, and I think this is what creates all that distorsion. How would you unwrapp the face of this one? I've tried adding some extra seams in those areas, (see pic) but obviously i'm doing it wrong, because even then it's all mess up...

Thanks in advance!!


  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    Yeah face doesn't look good. Maybe run a seam to cut out the inside of the mouth, remove it from the lip boarder. Run a seam over the forehead from ear to ear. What soft is the 3d? Show the flattened mesh.

    Ah orange outline, prolly Blender.
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    You can cut up the middle of the neck all the way up to under the chin. 

    I'd do a test with face cut right in half, go ahead and throw quick detail textures on, see if you can even spot the seam. Shouldn't be hard to hide I wouldn't think.

  • Luar1001
    Offline / Send Message
    thanx guys, I'll try to cut even more and see if the texture gets messy. And yes, the soft is blender ;) good eye!

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