This is my very first thread and I wanted to share with you some of my work as a practically beginner in Hard Surfacing modeling.
I decided to recreate some weapons and fire guns from an "oldie but goodie" pc game named Time Commando, and started with a double barreled shotgun from one of the levels in the game (Western) to make my first attempt so I can improve my skills in 3d modeling but now aimed to work in the VFX / game art industry.
The main obstacle is that I also have an "oldie and not so goodie" laptop

and it hasn´t been possible for me to update in the moment (empty pockets), to learn and work properly with current softwares like Zbrush, Substance Painter, Marmoset and a long etc; and because my Dell buddy here isn´t suitable for running any of those programs without first burning its powerful Intel HD 3000 graphic card.
For now, I'm only using former -not so old- versions of 3ds Max and Rhino for modeling and Keyshot for texturing and rendering, along with some XNormal I´ve been learning in this days for the baking part. Not the best results I'd wish to show you, but it's a beginning while I get a better machine.
But guys, I´m here firstly looking for your feedback, comments and nice critics on this and other projects I'll be uploading in the next days. Please feel free of telling me and showing me anything wrong you might see (modeling, texturing, lighting...whatever) and how I could make better. I really, really would appreciate every piece of advise you are willing to give me.
Thats all for now... thanks to all of you!
PD: Sorry for my squared and not very good looking English...regards from somewhere Latin America!
So, here are screenshots of the low poly mesh I made in 3ds Max...

I´m sharing with you today one more of the fire guns I have modeled in 3ds Max and Keyshot to recreate from this game I mentioned in the previous thread. This is my work for the 1876 Winchester rifle.
So here there are some wireframes...
Texturing and rendering in Keyshot...
Waiting for your comments and feedback guys, I´d appreciate a lot!