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I Invaded my uni's art gallery with monsters (MASS)

This is my first big modelling thing! I used 3ds max. I would love any and all feedback :) 

this real space that anyone who's been there will recognise (it is to scale and I measured cm), has been invaded by reality defying "math" demons/aliens, but the viewer is made to feel like they are the intruder of a ceremony. What kind of MASS is this? 

There is an infinity tunnel located inside the cube that is a portal to their dimension  (maybe?)
The gallery also features the drawing work of Sarah Denman (@Sarkit3543) on the offering pedestals (?) and inside the tunnel. 

Here is the sketch:

The original Space:

Renders: I was limited by time. I only knew how to get rid of those dots with adaptive sampling in Arnold and that was taking too long. 

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