Hi everyone! I am not really a tech savy person so if I am not really sure if the stationary shadows are suppose to act this way? For my scene all the meshes are stationary, including my directional light and sky light as well. So is there a way to fix this resolution change or is it a engine thing that can't be fixed when dealing with stationary shadows? Attached are the pics of what i am encountering.
I'm not overly familiar with Unreal's static shadows but this just looks like mip mapping which is fortunate. So you may see these artifacts go away when you change your project rendering settings & it's not an issue with your baked maps.
These are probably dynamic shadows and what you see is the jump between shadow cascades. If you bake your light your shadows should not change their resolution.
Did you supress your on screen display messages like this person:
Lightmaps stuck displaying Lowest Quality - UE4 AnswerHub (unrealengine.com)
If you bake your light your shadows should not change their resolution.