I am an independent developer currently making a survival horror game similar in design to classic 90's Resident Evil. (Fixed Camera, Tank Controls, Strict Inventory Management.) I am currently most in need of an artist or artists who can make original designs for some fictional objects that have no real world equivalent, as well as environment concepts for a hybrid Police/Fire Station. Visual style is aiming for realism. Building aesthetic is best described as generic government interior design circa late 1950's/Early 60's for the Fire Station and mid 1980's for the Police Station. Fictional objects include a medical salve container that functions as the primary healing item of the game, a save game device, a battery pack and its associated docking station. a generator control panel needed for a gameplay puzzle, a jail area control panel also used for a gameplay puzzle, an item storage box, and a water pumping/heating station. Number of environmental art pieces needed is unknown at this time and variable. I have no preference for medium. Consideration should be made for conversion into 3D models.
Budget is limited, but I am committed to paying industry standard. I prefer to handle payment via PayPal upon delivery of work after approval. However, I will defer to the artist's request should they have a different preference. I would likewise prefer to pay by the piece rather than by the hour, but I am amenable to an hourly rate.
There is no contract. All it would specify is: I have to approve the art before submission, I will not send payment until confirmation of work submission, once work has been approved and submitted the artist is entitled to agreed payment. Any information that I share with the artist is information I am okay with them sharing to others. All artwork can be used in their portfolio. That is all.
Contact me via Email: willcknowles@gmail.com