I've already posted a lot about this in my sketchbook thread but I think it deserves its own especially since now its
official that I'm going to release it in q3 of this year.
For newcomers, this is a project I'm working on in my free time for around a year with bigger and smaller pauses here and there.
I started prototyping somewhere in the middle of last year and I'm reaching the end of the development of the first version soon. Its a similar tool to Clayxels or Mudbun for Unity. It allows you to boolean model things inside Unreal Engine, using distance fields.
The scene on the picture above was made and rendered using this tool. The distance field models are stored as volume textures, and they are rendered using a type of ray marching called sphere tracing. This technique takes advantage of the underlaying distance field to accelerate the tracing. Due to the volume textures, this is basically a voxel based format, and also allows for cubic looking voxels, but I don't have a nice example picture of that yet. These voxel/distance field models can also live together with polygonal meshes just fine and it intersects and sorts correctly. Some default Unreal Engine lighting features work with them as well, but not all of them.
It will be a marketplace asset, and the planned release date is somewhere in q3 of this year. The initial version will have fully functional boolean operator with union, subctraction, and intersection, 10 different types of distance field primitives, static and dynamic volumes, bevels, 3d noise based displacement for surface detailing, and more.
I will be posting about this tool in this thread from now on. Full feature list of the initial version, and example pictures and videos of the features are coming soon.
Check out the Unity examples I mentioned.
Someone on twitter asked if this can be applied on regular polygonal meshes, and while currently it wouldn't be easy, I find this to be a neat idea, so meshes could be textured volumetrically with sdf shapes. It would be pretty easy to bake it out to a 2d texture based on the mesh's uvs. This won't be in the initial version, but I made a note, and it will possibly come in the first update.
there's not much stopping you having these deform along splines really is there? ....
Deforming the volume itself with a spline / function (eg a bend modifier) doesn't strike me as being a massive leap over what you already have. It'll depend on what sort of cunning stuff you're doing to make it go fast though I guess
Is there an alpha / beta version available of your tool, and does it support meshing and exporting to FBX?
What do you mean by limited? People shouldnt expect this kind of softwares to be as good as Maya or other modelers, at least for now. Dreams for PS does a great job, and you can do a whole lot of things with it in my opinion. Distance fields are very different from regular polygonal representation, and therefore some things are impossible or hard to do with them, but they have their own benefits, like the volumetric nature of things, easy booleans etc. Still, these kind of approaches shouldnt be taken as they are trying to reform the way things are done, cause they dont. its just another tool in the toolbox, and it can be still useful for indie projects with stylized graphics, or still images.
I meant that MagicaCSG does not include the option to export to FBX yet, for example. I'd love to be able to use the results in a different package, like Blender or ZBrush, to finish it with details, and render it with a different renderer.
I love SDF modeling. It's very intuitive and stimulates your creativity. Here are a few examples I made with MagicaCSG the past few days:
Ephtracy has a physically based path tracer as his renderer so I don't really see the point of rendering elsewhere because it can't really get more accurate than that.
MudBun and Clayxels for Unity has poligonization so you could try those if you would want to export them to a dcc later.
Yeah, I'm installing Unity as I write this, to try Clayxels and Mudbun.
MagicaCSG's renderer is very good indeed, but currently it has no alpha transparency output, that's one of its limitations. Right now I can't use it to render icons for example. But that will undoubtedly change in the near future.
Good luck!
Versus the same thing with the smooth surface shader:
obscura - is openVDB support a thing that you're looking at ? a route in and out of external DCCs would really make this shine. Shouldn't be a massive pain in the dick to implement an import/export plugin via python (assuming you can work out a way to distribute it)