Hey guys, this is my first Artwork.
I did this on Krita which I started using 3 days ago. This took me about 5 hours to make.
Took a random Google picture as reference and tried to do my own thing with it which is why it probably doesnt look that good.
Anyway, please tell me what you think and what i could do better.
Expecting to be roasted but I'm ready for it

This is similar to a certain style of cell-shaded anime, so it would help to see similar works in the same vein by artists with a lot of experience, to judge where you could improve. Like comparing one's own work to the masters.
The line work is all the same thickness which makes it more boring. Consider changing line weight, and look at anime masters for ideas about where to place the weight. It's not just random.
The highlight along the right side of the body is all the same thickness, but usually this would vary according to the thickness of the body/thigh. Same kind of idea as the line thickness.
Anyhow keep at it. The more you draw the better you will get in time. Someone posted this recently, it's a great example of how persistence can pay off. https://www.jonathanhardesty.com/pages/journey-of-an-absolute-rookie
Don't worry about the time for now - it doesn't matter. With experience you'll get faster.
Try to do a rough, loose sketch of the pose and the proportions next time before you make the final lineart. The reason it looks a bit weird is because the proportions are different than the ones Mew has. Study the shape and gesture, try to capture the essence of the form. Overshoot and let the lines flow.
Mew has a longer body which starts narrow and widens as it gets to the bottom. He has short arms but longer legs. I think you get what I'm saying. Just try to identify the characters' main traits, proportions and gestures before starting to draw them.
Hope this helps a bit