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How to make a water bottle for a game...

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
that has no complex pbr material system?

So I am wondering how it could be the best approach to make a water bottle for a game, ( secondlife ) to make it look realistic, I modeled thebottle, inside and outside, the cap , water inside, but I have tried to give its transparency , but the liquid inside would disappear because the game only allows one layer of transparency textures with alpha blending and not multiple ones ... The other Idea I had was to eventually fully bake reflections and all into the texture throught rendering it in vray in 3dsmax, but then the transparent and refractiveness wouln't be caught ... so I am a bit puzzled , I know this it may look like a stupid issue but I am finding no solution so far :( ....


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