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[Finished] Neon Eye

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tharris triangle
Hello! My name's Taylor and this is my first post here.  This is a project I just recently finished after taking an environment art course at Vertex School.  Any feedback you might have is appreciated.

It is based on a concept by Natália Chromá.  Videos and more found here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zOYPdd


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Nice work, especially the animation for it on your artstation page. :)
  • tharris
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    tharris triangle
    PolyHertz said:
    Nice work, especially the animation for it on your artstation page. :)
    Thank you =) I put the one with animated smoke/explosions further down the page because I didn't want it to distract from the other elements I worked so hard on...
  • the_good_owl
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    the_good_owl polygon
    So awesome!! I saw this a few weeks ago when you posted it and I love the various effects as well. 
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Help me understand something you make something that colorful and then dull everything down why ?
    To me it looks flat , lacking contrast and image itself is rather blurry so few suggestions :
    To get better 3d look darken the shadow side bump the contrast also bring some saturation back and to get sharper look use either high pass or unsharp mask [photoshop filters]

  • tharris
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    tharris triangle
    Help me understand something you make something that colorful and then dull everything down why ?
    To me it looks flat , lacking contrast and image itself is rather blurry so few suggestions :
    To get better 3d look darken the shadow side bump the contrast also bring some saturation back and to get sharper look use either high pass or unsharp mask [photoshop filters]

    Can I ask for some elaboration on some of this feedback?

    Blurriness: Do you feel all of the images/videos are blurry, or just the videos?  I contacted artstation support regarding their video formatting, no matter what resolution video I uploaded it would ALWAYS scale it (In some cases, I could upload the same video twice and one video would be scaled up and the other scaled down).  This resulted in a slight blur that I disliked, but was unable to fix.    If you feel the still render (such as the one in this forum post) are blurry, then I suppose you're not talking about that issue though...

    Contrast: I appreciate this feedback.  In my opinion the original concept art had lower contrast than would be my preference, I tried to strike a balance between honoring the concept artist's decisions while pushing it a little further than it was originally.  My aim was to show potential employers that I try to replicate what their concept artists would provide me, but I could also understand the argument that 99.9% of viewers that look at this wouldn't see the original concept so I might as well improve my version if possible.  I will keep this feedback in mind for future projects.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Image here is blurry you dont even have to zoom to see it , I have no idea how videos are looking as they cant even load for me or if they do are completely black
    Concept is night scene/cloudy day yours look day time lid by the sun so if you want to match the concept art you should tweak a few things
  • tharris
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    tharris triangle
    Image here is blurry you dont even have to zoom to see it , I have no idea how videos are looking as they cant even load for me or if they do are completely black
    Concept is night scene/cloudy day yours look day time lid by the sun so if you want to match the concept art you should tweak a few things
    Thank you. I definitely was torn between making it a moodier twilight scene or a brighter scene, and probably landed somewhere in the middle when I should have just picked my horse and ran with it.  I appreciate the feedback.
  • poweredbygeeko
  • tharris
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