Hello!! I am looking for some advice on improving the current scene I'm working on! I come from a modeling and landscape/environment creation background in blender. Been learning UE4 for a fair few months now, and would like some advice on my current scene! Any advice is welcome, especially advice on lighting, rendering, and foliage lighting, as that is what I'm struggling with the most right now. Scene is composed of a 50/50 mix of hand modeled assets by me, and Quixel megascans. The thing that sticks out the most to me personally as needing fixing, is the foliage lighting, it seems to almost glow, even when in the deep shadow of the tree canopies. I've been assuming its something to do with the subsurface on the assets. I have been changing values but it doesn't help very much. Also the grass lighting, it looks almost like its not casting shadows at all. And it generally just looks washed out and too bright. Also, when walking around the scene, the ambient occlusion can visibly pop in and out, which is very jarring. This seems to happen only with the grass, which makes it all the more confusing. All the foliage is set to movable with cast shadows, cast dynamic shadows enabled, and my ambient occlusion settings are pretty much stock, just with the intensity turned down a little. But I digress, any and all advice is welcome! Cheers!!