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Old Rusted Watering Can

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Hi, I'm interested in nature scenes and this week I tried to make a rusted watering can in an old garden. I'm pretty satisfied with how it looks but I was wondering what I could change or improve on. Any tips/critiques would be greatly appreciated. 


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    You may want to increase the materials roughness variation, as atm it looks very uniform. Rusted areas also tend to bulge out slightly which you could do through the normal map. The flowers growing out of it look significantly less realistic then the surrounding grass, and the back wooden boards don't appear to have any normal details at all.
  • Natebrn
    Thx for the feedback! I got a few similar comments on the wall so I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I didn't rly notice what you said about the rust until you pointed that out so thx for that. As for the flowers I never made models for plants before so I ended up using images on planes with the stalk being the only part of it that's 3d. I'll go ahead and adjust the scene with what you pointed out. Thx again =)
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