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We (me and some other people) had this following discussion 
It is or not ok to use basemesh as a start up?
It is  or not ok to use brushes that is made by someone else (yes purchase legally) 

Why some thiks you are useless and not talented if you use these things?

Why do artists create them if its not ok and you are not considered an artist for using them!?

P.s my English is bad bad


  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    In production you use everything that helps to get the job done. You would be much to slow if you wont use basemeshes and premade brushes. 

    For my private Stuff i like todo everything myself cause its fun and a great challenge. 
  • YF_Sticks
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    YF_Sticks polycounter lvl 7
    Use the tools. No one really cares if you use brushes or not. The end result matters.
    Use the software you like, you use the tools that suit you. Find quick efficient workflows. 

    That being said though, learn how things are made. If you make environments, use megascans, it's fine. But also understand how to create assets / textures without megascans. Learn Substance Designer, ZBrush etc. In the end, it's a mix between your deeper understanding and the end result.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Your English is great. Your topic title though... :'/

    The reason to learn how to make your own is so you can solve the inevitable gaps between available tools and between existing assets. You will be hired for your ability to create, even in situations of scarcity.
  • Tiles
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    Tiles interpolator
    Eric nailed the culprit. You might not have access to premade assets and tools in all your jobs. So you better know what to do then. But when it's already available, then use it. There is just one rule: allowed is what works.
  • ancamihai
    Thank you for the responses!
    I have people that straight bully me for using brushes and alphas 
    And I started to feel like crap about my work thinking I'm not good enough 
    This helped me a lot
    Thank you
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    "I have people that straight bully me for using brushes and alphas"

    Isn't that a liiittle bit of an overstatement ?
  • ancamihai
    @pior no!
    They literally writ shit about me for using alphas and brushes that I bought!
    I started to feel bad about my art and question my knowledge 
    I know it's sounds like I over react but I'm not!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ha ! Well that's sad, but on the flip side it makes it easy to sort out the good people from those who don't deserve your attention :)
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