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Why does Cyberpunk 2077 run so bad?

polycounter lvl 8
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Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
I just got Cyberpunk 2077 with the newest patch and was hoping for some performance improvements but it is still running like S%^#!! I am running an old gtx 1080 because I live in Australia and it is almost impossible to by a new graphics card at the moment, but I cant see how the performance is this bad for a game that in my opinion doesn't look all that impressive. It just just looks like a bunch of tilling textures with face weighted vertex normals. Is it the lighting that makes it run so poorly? Or is it just ridiculously poorly optimized? I mean some of the game looks like it was made for PS3 in some parts with no attempt at blending anything together, it can be really jarring. I would be fine with the performance hit if I could see what it was for!! I'm probably missing something so can you guys help me out?


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    what the hell happened with this forum
  • Eric Chadwick
    It is what you make of it, my friend.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Thats a 5 years old videocard though.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Upgrade your hardware, then download the latest patch.
  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    Like I said, almost impossible to get a new card where I live while covid is still around. And as I also said, I can't see why it runs so bad. The graphics aren't that great so I was wondering if I was missing what the big advancement was that makes it require such expensive hardware.
    Man These forums truly do suck now. No one seems to read the posts and the people who do act like your stupid for asking something on a general discussion forum. No wonder no one posts on here anymore.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    In fairness it's not like it was a particularly answerable question. 

    a 1080 should be ok in terms of drawing the pictures but having looked at the game I can imagine it's utterly brutal on the CPU - stuff like the crowds and background systems will be absolutely hammering it. 
    If your CPU is backed up it's not going to be able to submit the pretties to the GPU for rendering.

    A 5 year old i5 probably won't cut it - a 3 year old i7 probably would (guesswork btw) 

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I'm not sure why anybody would rag on someone asking why particular graphics in a video game don't run smoothly, on a forum for video game graphics. Seems like a fair question, and in the correct place on the internet, no?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Certainly a valid question IMHO.

    General Discussion isn't really the liveliest section here, the action is in 3D Showcase, Technical Talk, etc.

    Unfortunately I think it's all too easy to misread bad intentions in a forum. 

    We should be willing to check our assumptions if we're getting irritated by a little back and forth.

    If I start to feel my temperature rise, I step away and get my mind off it for a bit. Fresh perspective helps.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    GTX 1080 should run it at 1080p.  Did for me.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    what the hell happened with this forum
    Most people left to Reddit/Twitter/Facebook/Discord/Slack/etc. after the forums switched to a more 'modern' but much buggier software/hosting around 2017. Even to now there are tons of weird design choices and bugs, like when you click on a thread it directs you to the last page instead of the start even though if you actually wanted to go to the last page you'd press the 'last' button that's next to each thread...In my opinion, the 'Like' button also replaced a lot of potential discussion sense many people will now just press it instead of actually saying anything. And having Facebook and Twitter share buttons in every post may have driven people off Polycount and towards those sites as well.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    The OP to me read like a deliberate attempt at NeoGaf style flamebait,not an attempt to start a discussion. No wonder the backlash. Besides - what could you say other than lower the resolution or wait it out? At least I was told repeatedly that this developer is known to support their games long after release so there's probably hope left.
    A 1080 should not be a reason for bad performance in a game that also targeted PS4/XB1.

    PolyHertz said:
    Most people left to Reddit/Twitter/Facebook/Discord/Slack/etc. after the forums switched to a more 'modern' but much buggier software/hosting around 2017. Even to now there are tons of weird design choices and bugs, like when you click on a thread it directs you to the last page instead of the start even though if you actually wanted to go to the last page you'd press the 'last' button that's next to each thread...In my opinion, the 'Like' button also replaced a lot of potential discussion sense many people will now just press it instead of actually saying anything. And having Facebook and Twitter share buttons in every post may have driven people off Polycount and towards those sites as well.

    Apart from Reddit all these seem like they'd only support fleeting discussion or are barely searchable/locked in some ecosystem. And on Reddit you can't post in threads older than a few months either, seems quite backwards to me. Can you even reply with posts containing embedded media? I'm also always eternally confused as to how posts jump around on revisits to the channel (up/downvoting).

    Aren't the best threads on polycount those started a decade ago and still going strong and ideally pinned so you can find them blindly?

    Anyway, occasionally I stumble over message boards still running the early-2000's kind of style polycount had before the most recent switch. Really cruel to read and use in the year 2021. Would not recommend. :)

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I still have resonable discussions on PC, bu not as much as previous. What would be nice is to see somew of the newer members pipe up and say something, it's not just an old boys club or a place to dump your folio :)
    I actually never look at individual threads, just the WAYWO . force of habit really

    I often try and post one of the Blender forums, but the mods are a bit power crazy IMHO, so stopped doing that.

    re the game, I haven't played it , but heard the performance is a bit poor overall., maybe they were under pressure to get it out the door

    re video cards  why can't the OP get one from amazon or ebay?
  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    OK.. Firstly @poopipe It's not my CPU that's bottlenecking it's the GPU. I have a a Ryzen 3600. Not great but enough.

    @Ashervisalis @Eric Chadwick That's what I thought. But I guess I was wrong.

    @Brian "Panda" Choi It does run at medium settings at 1080p, but the pop in is crazy and I just want to understand why it's so GPU intensive.

    @thomasp I am not asking how to run it, I am asking WHY it runs so poorly and I thought a site dedicated to Game art could help me understand seeing as how I believe there are better looking games that run on lower spec hardware. One reason I started to make game art is because I like optimising my work and being efficient (boring I know but I think a lot of people on here like that stuff). So when I see a game run like this one has I would like to know why? As for your comment about flamebait I agree, but I think that people should be a little angry about the game running the way it does and comment about it. I waited for the game to be fixed before paying for it because I understood it would take time to fix it, but then not only does it run just as bad or worse but one of the first dudes I shoot repeatedly tries to get up and falls to the ground in an endless loop.

    @Ruz I think most of the new people who come to this site are afraid to start a discusion because some people try to make the OP look stupid for asking a question about video game art. Unless it's a question their interested in or can actually give some constructive feedback on, maybe they should just not comment.

    Oh and to buy a rtx 3060 through amazon is $1400 where I live. Enough said. 

  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ladies and gentleman, exibhit A
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    @thomasp I am not asking how to run it, I am asking WHY it runs so poorly and I thought a site dedicated to Game art could help me understand seeing as how I believe there are better looking games that run on lower spec hardware. One reason I started to make game art is because I like optimising my work and being efficient (boring I know but I think a lot of people on here like that stuff). So when I see a game run like this one has I would like to know why? As for your comment about flamebait I agree, but I think that people should be a little angry about the game running the way it does and comment about it. I waited for the game to be fixed before paying for it because I understood it would take time to fix it, but then not only does it run just as bad or worse but one of the first dudes I shoot repeatedly tries to get up and falls to the ground in an endless loop.

    Honestly I would be surprised if even just a handful of the artists who worked on this game could answer the question. After all there's only so much you can affect with asset optimization.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I'll be real; a lot of these responses are because of your phrasing and the attitude that comes through. It feels like a reddit post to me.

    Coming to a forum full of professionals to say "THIS GAME LOOKS BAD AND RUNS BAD", with no course of action other than for us to say "Oh, that's too bad..." feels a little bit like insulting someone's home when you're invited in.

    There are ways to ask those questions productively, and in a way that doesn't feel like idle complaining; I imagine the responses would have been a lot different if you'd opted for that.

    And they aren't bad questions to ask really. Efficiency is really important in games, and there's a lot to be said about it.

    That's my thought at least~
  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    @Joao Sapiro I get it man. Congratulations! Your awesome. Thanks for the info.

    @thomasp Thankyou for an answer! But don't the best game makers have the most efficient workflows as well? Like all the AAA games work really hard to optimize everything to get the best out of the tech that's available. I'm sorry to go on about this and if it's a question that no one person can answer because it's too multi faceted I will stop asking, but I just want to understand how a game company with so much time and money could have got it so wrong.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    To answer the the threads original question: The issue is likely a combination of many things such as draw distance, asset culling, data streaming, texture compression, shader complexity, etc.. The game was released way before it would have been finished, and optimization is normally done at the very end of production. There's not much else to say unless a developer on the game wishes to chime in.

    If you want better performance though I know there are some fan made mods that try optimizing the game in various ways. Here's the first one I came across on a google search: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1642?tab=description
  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    @Joopson I probably could have worded it differently. I don't understand how I was giving you no other course of action though. As a professional, you can't have an opinion about a game? Are all games off limits when it comes to criticism.  Are we just supposed to not discuss it because it's inappropriate. If that's the case I will stop asking questions. I kind of don't know how else to phrase how this game runs but bad,  though I admit my examples were poorly worded.

  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    @Joopson I probably could have worded it differently. I don't understand how I was giving you no other course of action though. As a professional, you can't have an opinion about a game? Are all games off limits when it comes to criticism.  Are we just supposed to not discuss it because it's inappropriate. If that's the case I will stop asking questions. I kind of don't know how else to phrase how this game runs but bad,  though I admit my examples were poorly worded.

    People here  beeing professionals and knowing what goes on with game development and the hurdles\roadblocks that happen during production is why you wont see many engaging with you on the matter as a meaningfull discussion as you started it as what it seemed like a 15 years old would write in gaming forums.
  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    @Joao Sapiro And what you wrote was really adult mate.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It's okay to be 15 though.
  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    @PolyHertz Thanks for the info man. And thanks for the link, I will check it out. Had follow up questions but it's obvious I've pissed off a few people.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Well, the OP often sets the tone of the thread. Members should check themselves as well. 

    Everyone deserves a pass, it's been a shit year. Hugs all around.

  • Nerdicon3000
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    Nerdicon3000 polycounter lvl 8
    @Eric Chadwick Good call. I apologise. Thanks for the pass, I'll take it.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Lol polycount is still alive ! [even tho its shrinking exponentially] Its refreshing to see topic with more then 3 replies
    I guess I cant really provide with too much inside on the main question but here are plenty of tech artist that can give you that side of the problem also maybe someone could be able to suggest management part or you can can just turn some of the game news channels they scream this kind of things all the time its seems to be normal for a game to be shipped unfinished or full of bugs for some reason
    About video card price its even worse in europe 1500 euro for a video card that will cost 1/3 in year time doesnt sound like a good investment also you can thank all virtual miners for keeping prices high I heard at some countries they buy them instantly you cant buy one even if you want to or have to go to reseller at much higher price
    I have a friend with same card same problem and much worse comment for the game so I guess question is pretty legit
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I think the bast soluton is to paint two red stripes on your video card, will make it go faster :)
  • FourtyNights
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    FourtyNights polycounter
    As thomasp said, there's only so much we 3D artists can do to optimize for a video game (especially if we're only pure 3D artists, not 3D technical artists or 3D generalists). It means mostly being creative with reducing polygon count, texture resolution and creating efficient and good-looking LODs (manually made or generated).

    Most of the opitimization workload is for programmers, streaming assets, textures etc. as fast for the hardware to work with.

    Speaking of Cyberpunk 2077, even though I pre-ordered the game, I saw the initial critical response and decided to wait for developers to polish and patch it to a playable condition (haven't installed or played the game myself yet). The simple and and short answer to your "Why?" question is: Cyberpunk 2077's still too early release was a business plan/decision, but a poor one. Don't know reasons, but maybe because of pressure from management, investors, gamers wanting the game to be released already themselves, whatnot. And I read that developers were shocked and knew that the game was not ready for a release that early. They probably would've needed another year or more. They're just happening to do that work now, publicly, while the game is out there.

    Looking at CDPR's history of games... for example, The Witcher series proves that they have success stories of critically acclaimed games, so it's just a matter of time that trusty CDPR tries their hardest to fix the not-ready game to a fully enjoyable and playable experience during the coming months. It simply means, we have to be patient. It's a good idea to wait, play something else or work on your personal project in the meanwhile, and not get fixated to problems on a currently still a bit broken game.

    I'm old enough to see that time flies faster at my age (31). So, waiting for all kinds of things doesn't feel long anymore, lol. I usually pick up a new game to play months after their initial release, because I was too busy with projects, haha.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    They went through months of (reportedly) brutal crunch in the run up to launch

    Studios don't crunch when they're polishing little details, they crunch when they don't have time to finish it properly. 

  • EarthQuake
    Yes that^

    The simple answer is that the game was released before it was ready. Due to pressure from a publisher or fears of running out of money to develop the game (likely both). This means a lot of stuff that should happen towards the end of the project likely didn't. For instance:

    • Optimizing systems, from lighting to animation to gameplay, they likely shipped a lot of systems that were closer to the initial prototypes than polished, robust systems
    • Cutting features / reducing the scope of the game, this was a game that had many ambitious features and usually, games get a pass where the developers have to make hard decisions on what they want to have in the game vs what is practical or performant to actually ship with - not working at the studio it's impossible to understand the dynamics, but this was likely a case of not having the time to cut/prioritize features or having rigid marching orders from management and/or the publisher that certain features that were advertised needed to ship (or all of the above)
    • Platform-level optimization, different platforms, especially consoles, have much different hardware and generally, there is a lot of work that goes into porting and optimizing systems to make sure the game will run on the lower end hardware in consoles, and to some extent, older PC hardware. Again they probably didn't have time to do this to the standard they would have liked

    It's doubtful (again I don't work there so I can't say for sure) that the game runs slowly because the art assets were poorly optimized or something like that related to what your average game artist would have control over. Generally speaking, the art specifications would have been known and largely locked down years before the project shipped. On more of a technical level, things like triangle count or well-optimized UVs or whathaveyou are just not nearly as important as systemic issues like how many dudes are drawn on the screen, how many particle effects are on screen, how complex the lighting is, etc.

  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    The developers will have optimized the game to run on the latest video card. I believe they recommend that you have a RTX 3080. Any video card that's not that good won't run the game at maximum resolution. The game doesn't run slowly on my Geforce 2070. I doubt they would have optimized the game any further because it would mean dropping the quality of the art. 

    It does have loads of very noticeable bugs though. But they're not related to the framerate.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    PolyHertz said:
    Most people left to Reddit/Twitter/Facebook/Discord/Slack/etc. after the forums switched to a more 'modern' but much buggier software/hosting around 2017...
    That's also about when ArtStation took off as well. Forums in general have slowly died off. They are slower if you need instant feed back or critiques, but also not as ideal for showing off work like ArtStation or even Instagram. 

    But what forums are still great at are break downs, write ups, and internet searchability. I often wonder how much knowledge is being lost to Slack and Discord channels. 
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Open World Games are hard, yo!

    Quite likely most of the bottlenecks aren't to do with art at all.  Huge GPU load for multiple instances of vehicle ai (very dense) ped ai, all the emergent gameplay systems constantly running.  No idea how the game is built but different memory streaming solutions in open world games have varied success.  Also the game seemed very confused about its target platform...felt like it was built for only the highest end spec but still had to be optimized to work on last gen consoles (and they clearly struggled there).

    Also, for the argument of "well they had a huge team, lots of time, tons of money.."  that never works out to be a direct correlation to a better game or quality.  More complicated moving parts, more people, more chances for errors or miscommunication, more stuff slipping through the cracks etc.

    Not intended to be a defense for the game being the way it is...but games are very complicated, open world games are the most complicated sub section of games, and art quality/consistency is really only just 1 factor that can affect performance.
  • PollySong
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    PollySong polycounter lvl 14
    I just bought it and started playing, runs fine on my old tractor computer built for rendering 4 years ago (many slow cores) and a 1070. Do you have something else running in the background?
  • MaryRSmalls
    I think it's meant to run on newer cards that's it.
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