It's been many a years since I created a WIP thread on Polycount 😊. I recently took part in the Artstation Lightage Challenge and it reminded me how useful it is to have a place to share progress whilst working on a project.
I wanted to work on a large open outdoor environment next, as its not something I've done properly before. I saw this image by G xy and immediately loved it, so decided to recreate it for my next project!
Starting blockout so far:
The concept by
G xy:
Link to the concept on their Artstation:
@Elivenger I was going to aim to match the lighting initially, but then I might do some variations afterwards. I had been thinking a dawn sunrise might also look quite cool.
@TAJack I hadn't given much thought as to how I would do the lighting, but you're right! Thinking about it I've never tried to do an overcast scene before.
Here are the original rocks I did. I was quite pleased with them, so perhaps after this I'll use then for another project instead. 😊