Hey everyone,
I have a general question about what the topic says and that is what level and quality of work do I need to reach before I'm at a level where I can apply for a character artist position?
and the other one which is somewhat important to me is the fact that I'm from Iran, now I'm not sure about anything but I hear a lot of negative things from people over here that because of the political situation, companies don't hire from here, honestly, this freaks me out greatly which is why I wanted to know what everyone thinks about this and if it's correct ...
Best wishes
and thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot Taylor for your response, though I think you might have misunderstood me, I actually do want to migrate and move to somewhere else the second an opportunity arrives and the way you just explained, it seems that part is actually more reasonable than being a freelancer from here.
I think your portfolio is great. You should apply with confidence. Be persistent in searching and applying for open positions and I think you'll land something eventually. Good luck!
Thank you, it means a lot. I'll probably do that after I finish another work or two to showcase some new stuff I've learned and to further increase the quality of my work, just a couple more months and it should all be set.
Thanks a lot !! that really does give me confidence, I'll definitely apply to various companies in a few months after I learn a bit of unreal and publish a better game art with it.
That's actually a very good idea! thanks. I hope he answers
I'm not sure if this is for US only but I never had any intentions of applying to US, not sure why but I prefer EU and Asia if possible, as of matter of fact I love Asia so much that I honestly don't care what company it is as long as I can go to JP, KR or China I guess my weeb meter is over 9k ...