I'm making a planetary landscape environment that is very spacey sci-fi. The landscape is similar to the moon but different. There will be tall thin mountains and craters. There will also be planets and rings, etc. How should I make the landscape? Should it be a combination of UE4.26 landscape and meshes with a material blend? What about a crack across the landscape? Here's some example of art I found on google images of what I'm trying to make.
EDIT:The software I have is Blender, Quixel Suite/Mixer, Photoshop, xNormal, and Unreal Engine. I do also have a 20 days left trial of Maya, Substance 3D suite, and ZBrush. So I would like to take advantage of this month with those trials to make some kickass space environment.

Here's my Blender Scene of all my High-Poly Sculpts that I did in ZBrush and Blender. These will be placed around the landscape with blend material. This is inspired by Quixel Landscape Project (https://youtu.be/0iQJkSpOoOQ ).
My question is how should I start with creating the low-poly model? I figure I will use ZBrush retopology tools which work really well for organic objects like stone/rocks. I have UV ToolKit and RetopoFlow 3 addons for Blender 2.8+. The copy of ZBrush I have is just a trial which is good till the first week of May. My biggest issue right now is two things:
The material is to be similar to what you see on Mars or on the moon. Just a bit bluish instead. Like a dead planet or unique planet, I suppose? A moon that has water (which would explain the fog but black sky).
I could use any tips and advice. Thanks very much!
The craters for example can be heightmaps imported into the terrain, then embellished with detail rocks and/or cliffs.
Yup. Done tons of RGB components. But a good tip on the detail mixing with medium/small details. What about the DetailTexturing node in UE4 is that useful for the boulders and any rock objects when up close? I have never used that node in UE4. I'm trying to go for a cinematic quality similar to the youtube video I shared by Quixel landscape.
Here's my concept art that I wanted to create in UE4:
Here's what I got so far in UE4:
WIP High-Poly Sculpt for Land Detail Meshes:
There are also free scans of real planets & moons from NASA, in equirectangular format (cylindrical projection), might be worth a shot if you're pressed for time.
I'm haven't used substance designer for a while. I just go the trial of the new one. What tutorial do you suggest doing for the planet shaders? I'm pressed for time to get my portfolio done but I have enough time to create my own planet textures. I'm basically trying to make a moon planet, a red Saturn-like planet (plus the ring for it), and another purple or reddish planet like mars.
P.S. Is that bad that I do not know substance designer that well? Will that hurt me on finding a job in the gaming industry (entry level)?
Here's my progress so far. I'm working on the planets and lighting. The landscape is mostly done. Performance is not great due to my aging pc and graphics card. I tried this on one of my friend's pc and it ran 60fps 2K no problem. It's 20 fps 1080p on my pc.
I have looked everywhere online for tutorials and tips on making planet textures and I can't find any decent ones. A lot of them keep pointing me back to NASA textures. I'm looking to make my own procedural moon, gas planet, and mars-like planet.
Here's my work in progress. Don't mind the weird warping that's happening. It's just the camera angle FOV. I will fix that. I've been trying to make a planet texture in substance designer trial. I'm focusing on the texture itself. Not the material or lighting so much. How else can I improve on the lighting or landscape texture? Maybe I should download some quixel megascan meshes and replace the material (to take creative ownership and cite the source)? The overall planet type I want to make the landscape is to be moon-like but not 100% dead, there's still fog, clouds, etc. Very alien-like but unique.
As for everything else, I have tweaked the lighting and added post-processing. I also want to add golden glowing space hawks flying by in the sky (just a few). Like this hawk that I created (it emits glowing gold polygons from its wings as it flies, it has a flying soaring animation).
How are the lighting and overall scene? Is it good so far? I also borrow three Megascan 3D assets from Quixel Bridge and applied my own material created in Quixel Mixer 2021 to them to make them my own. I have to credit the assets and mention that I borrow three rocks assets from Quixel Megascan in the description and prop images, correct? Again, is this okay or will that scare away employers?
How can I improve the sun prism? Should it be more transparent? Should the landscape be less blue? I'm really trying to go for a bizarre and alien-like moon planet that is not quite dead but alive enough to have volumetric fog and clouds. I also added fog cards to add more detail in the sky. I'm open to any feedback.
Here are some screenshots of what I got so far...
I will try playing around in SD in making the gas planet and moon but if it turns out to be too difficult. I will get the UE4 Planet Creator Blueprint from UE4 Marketplace and just cite the source and credit the author of the blueprint asset. I will update later today on my progress with SD making planets first and see what you guys think?
Also, what do you think of the landscape? How does it look to you? Is it too blue or is it good?
Here are some screenshots of what I have so far, it's almost done. I also greatly improved the lighting and adjusted the colors and post-process. I also improved the prism effect as well. How would I create flying ships that leave a trail that is passing by in a far distance? Similar to the orange screenshot at the very beginning of this forum thread I showed.