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SDR vs HDR Monitor

polycounter lvl 3
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AbhiMahant polycounter lvl 3
For texturing, lighting, set dressing etc.. how much do they both compare, I don't want to like buy SDR and later find out that HDR was more worth.(except if I find a used one)
Also it nowadays it seems like buying a smaller tv instead of monitor is also worth.


  • gnoop
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    gnoop polycounter
    Wonder about this too.  Especially considering I work with typically  120 lm/sm2     and anything higher is a stress to both  my eyes and  my color monkey colorimeter.  

    Even at this brightness any white windows explorer background is a pain to look at  imo  so I use a kind of gray "contrast"  windows theme  with nothing pure white  in the UI.
    What HDR monitor would show  for white  colors ?
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Windows desktop HDR support can be a bit weird still. They're constantly updating it so I'm confident they'll settle on something that works well fairly soon but In practice I usually disable HDR support when I'm not directly working with or watching HDR content as it's just more comfortable.

    I'd suggest that your money is better spent making sure you get a monitor with good color reproduction - something factory calibrated with >100% sRGB is sufficient for professional work (unless you're a colorist) . many screens that fit this requirement also support HDR so you'll likely get it for free anyway.

  • gnoop
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    gnoop polycounter
    So they dim  the whites for Windows applications , Photoshop  etc?     Wonder also is it possible at all to calibrate  colors  in HDR  or it would just blind  and possibly kill colorimeter sensors ?     

    Our software guys are  excited about HDR.  It makes the sun really blind you in the game .       Still I have my doubts   but never managed to work with HDR monitor yet.
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