Hello everyone, I'm working on this character for a University project that I want to use as a standout portfolio piece. I will create concept art for this character and in the hopes to polish it to a cinematic ready standard. using a basemesh from a previous character I created this base sculpt.
I started the sculpt before the concept so I could cover some ground whilst I am working on the concept. I still need to figure out the proportions for the sculpt.
Feedback is welcome and appreciated.
I made some small changes to the form and started working on the face. From here forward I am going to re-examine all the proportions and once that is done ill subdivide the mesh and start detailing, beyond that ill have to retopologize for a clean mesh where I can add in high res details like wrinkles and pores.
I also created a proper character design that I can work from. the design is still not final and will probably be changed down the line but it works for now. I want to make the design more striking which I might do by giving her a cool helmet or something, I'm open to ideas.