Hi. I have this blade and I want to change the way it is curved - I thought i'd take the multi-cut tool and take a starting vertex at the tip of the blade and a second vert towards the handle end of the blade and was hoping the multi-cut tool would do the curving for me. But after trying a few times I think the multi-cut tool just creates straight edges. I tried inserting an edge loop and modifying some of the options but I just get a curve parallel to the upper and lower edges. So was hoping for some advice if there is a way to insert an edge that is curved in a specific way. Thx

But if you want a curve that is hand crafted and not based on obvious math, like averaged or parallel to an edge etc, I would probably do a boolean.
On a separate object firgue out the curve you want, extrude out the shape and do a bool.
It's called Project curve on mesh or something.. I can never remember the names of these things.